Akasaka Palace, 赤坂迎賓館

Akasaka Palace (State Guest House) is one of the official Guesthouses. If you want to see the Akasaka Paace, you have to make the reservation in advance. The opening event in 2015 had closed, please check the Webpage for 2016 event. See the 2015 schedule) Application period:2015, May 8 - June 4 Opening period: August 18-27(10 days) http://www8.cao.go.jp/geihinkan/sankan.html


The palace was originally built as the Imperial Palace for the Crown Prince (東宮御所Togu gosho) in 1909. Today the palace is designated by the government of Japan as an official accommodation for visiting state dignitaries. Located in the Moto Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo, the building took on its present function in 1974, having previously been an imperial detached palace. In 2009 the palace was designated as a National Treasure of Japan. cite:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akasaka_Palace


